I've said it before and I'll say it again... I LOVE teaching writing, but let me be honest and say that I only became comfortable with it when I was put in a 3-way split (reading, writing and math), and I became the writing teacher for the entire fourth grade class. Yikes! It was a shock to see the lack of writing skills these students possessed. This is NOT a reflection of the teacher they had before me, but it did allow me to see a flaw in the way we were approaching the act of teaching writing. My goal in this post is to break down the ways ... Read More
Takeaways After Small Groups
Q: What happens after a student gets pulled for small group? A: They go off and practice on their own. Q: How can I make sure they remembered what I just taught them? A: You give them a takeaway! If you're confused by the term "takeaway," then let me just say that you're in for a treat! I LOVE the idea of takeaways for two reasons. First, it gives students something to use as a reference once they get back to their desks and independently work. And second, it serves as documentation for you. Before going further into the purpose of a takeaway ... Read More
A Balanced Literacy Classroom
The beginning of the school year is often the most exciting time of the year! Teachers are buying classroom decor and gearing up to welcome their students on the first day of school. One of the things I notice about teachers (myself included) is how often we forget to incorporate the curriculum when finalizing our classroom layout and supplies. Sometimes we're so busy that we forget to think about the most important things, but it's OK, it happens! In this post, I'm going to discuss some of the steps you can take to set up and achieve a ... Read More
Reading and Writing Strategies by Jennifer Serravallo
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past three years, chances are you've heard of Jennifer Serravallo's strategies books. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but it took me a while to get into the JS craze. I remember thinking, "they're probably not for me," because I mainly work with bilingual (Spanish speaking) students. Nonetheless, last spring I decided to place an Amazon order for both her reading and writing strategies books and...wow! Just WOW! I couldn't put them down! Why had I gone so long without Jennifer's sparkly, ... Read More
Classroom Library
Setting up a library is one of the things I miss the most about being in the classroom. I attended a training a few years into my teaching career where the presenter stressed the importance of organizing a classroom library that is (1) tailored to your students' needs and (2) fosters a love of reading. Ever since then, I've lived by the following motto: your classroom library should be the HIGHLIGHT of your room. It needs to be the center of attention, and it should make your students want to be in there all of the time. More importantly, it ... Read More